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Enjoy – Collection Exhibition

Gallery Carl Skeppargatan 7, Stockholm, NY, Sweden

The summer exhibition with paintings, objects, graphics and sculpture. A selection of works by artists who represent artistic quality through different visual expressions and techniques. We have searched for a…

Kerstin Ljunghall

Gallery Carl Skeppargatan 7, Stockholm, NY, Sweden

After a full professional life as a doctor – with plenty of gallery visits – for the past 15 years I have had the good fortune to paint myself. The first favorites were the American Expressionists and still are. I paint out of desire for color and form and sometimes to comment on the contemporary world.

Fia Kvissberg

Gallery Carl Skeppargatan 7, Stockholm, NY, Sweden

In my visual world, anything can happen where imagination has no limits. I paint what I have experienced woven into fantasy and illusion. There is the dream, the poetry, the pain, the sadness, the joy, humor and the spiritual.

Frederick Drotte

Gallery Carl Skeppargatan 7, Stockholm, NY, Sweden

Watercolor painting came into my life later and gradually claimed a significant place in my heart as a wonderfully rich medium of expression.
