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Woo Bock Lee

Gallery Carl Skeppargatan 7, Stockholm, NY, Sweden

Woo Bock Lee placed piece by piece and layer by layer in each work. It is the transitions between traditional stories that are conveyed such as forms of scrolls and globes in contemporary global setting.

Anna Löwdin

Gallery Carl Skeppargatan 7, Stockholm, NY, Sweden

I have been painting for as long as I can remember, but about eighteen years ago, I began sculpting in stone in earnest. Over time, stone has taken an increasingly central place in my work and is now my primary form of expression. In both painting and sculpting, I focus on the same themes or forms for extended periods.

Håkan Blomquist – Karin Westman

Gallery Carl Skeppargatan 7, Stockholm, NY, Sweden

The couple, Håkan Blomqvist and Karin Westman, have been working together for over 20 years, creating their unique glass sculptures, cast in sand molds. They use vibrant colors and clear glass to craft striking glass sculptures inspired by the world around us, both near and far.

The citizens’ school’s painting courses

Gallery Carl Skeppargatan 7, Stockholm, NY, Sweden

An exhibition by students from Medborgarskolan's painting courses, showcasing a selection of their works from recent semesters, under the guidance of artist and educator Ricardo Donoso.
